David Mustelier and Susan Sutherland are originally from the United States, and first visited South Africa in early 2018. We had no plans other than to explore, enjoy a new country and meet new people. Several weeks into our visit, we learned that GrootPoort farm was for sale and were intrigued. By the time we left after only six weeks, our offer to buy the farm had been accepted. We incorporated our business – of which we are both directors – as Normandien Pass Ranch, PTY Ltd (American cattle farms are called ranches). Our intent was to establish a guest house, working farm, and future conservancy of this uniquely beautiful high-veld.
We are both semi-retired from traditional jobs – Susan as a bank executive and David as a mechanical engineer in the space industry – and we bring our enthusiasm, curiosity, and entrepreneurial vision to this adventure.

Sipho, Phina, and Bongani are caretakers of the lodge and farm, and they live on the property. Sipho is the foreman, and, with the support of Bongani, is mainly responsible for the buildings and grounds. Phina is the housekeeper, responsible for the Lodge and its rooms. They all work together to identify, repair and upgrade the building. They also tend to our large organic vegetable garden and orchard. During our 2020-21 season, we welcomed Thembi back as cook, her wonderful talents in the kitchen honed in Cape Town.
How the Lodge got its name:
Three parcels make up the farm: GrootPoort, Welkom & Brandwacht. A municipal road runs through GrootPoort and brings you to our main gate and the road leading to the farmhouse/lodge. The farm was first homesteaded by a family named Aveling in the late 1800s; three family member graves are not far from the house.
After about a year here, we learned from friends who grew up in the area that some locals call this place “Mvemve.” We learned that “mvemve” is the Zulu word for the Cape Warbler, a charming bird (with a tail that goes up and down as it hops around). We also learned that “mvemve” was the Zulu word for a lively young calf and that a previous owner had been given this nickname. To honor the heritage of the farm and the land, we merged Mvemve with GrootPoort, and named our guest house Mvemve GrootPoort Lodge.
When we fell in love with this farm, we realized we had a small number of important aspirations.
Continuing to enjoy the adventure we are on, acting as role models for other people who are seeking depth and adventure in their lives, and who have the interest to contribute to sustainability and community anywhere in the world.
Supporting the local and South African economy by employing local residents, thus reducing the level of unemployment. We source products made locally or in South Africa whenever possible.
Becoming successful enough to carry the costs of the lodge, while offering training for the local community members in skills such as cooking, welding, sewing, food farming, and animal husbandry.
Ensuring lodge operations are as environmentally sustainable as possible, and putting the land in conservancy, a process we are just beginning to undertake.